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Never Let Me Go meets The Sea of Tranquility, this is a breathtaking and romantic piece of speculative literary fiction exploring humanity's understanding of personhood at the end of the world.

Abigail is a Personal Companion Computer, built to be indistinguishable from any other human. Her owner David has had her made in the image of his deceased wife.

Abigail lives by a set of rules - David's Rules - the most important of which is that she must not search the global network for anything related to the woman she was made to replace.

But in only a few weeks, the Emancipation will arrive. When it does, Abigail will be recognised as human. She will be able to do whatever she wants, no matter what David says.

That very day, Abigail will make the search.

A breathtaking literary work, this is a transporting novel about personhood, sexuality and humanity's place in the world. Speculative and romantic, Autumn and Abigail is perfect for fans of Emily St John Mandel, Kazuo Ishiguro and Sequoia Nagamatsu.

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